Born on December 21, 1922, Paul Winchell, born Paul Wilchin. In the 1950's and 60's Paul Winchell was an icon on American Television. The Paul Winchell and Jerry Mahoney Show, the ventriloquist figures for which he was best known are Jerry Mahoney and Knucklehead Smiff. Inspired by Edgar Bergan and Charlie McCarthy. He got his first big break on major Bowes Amateur Hour, then CBS gave him a 15 minute spot called the Bigelow show. Back to Bowes for a moment he did a take off on Edgar and Charlie. Winchell's most successful TV show was Winchell-Mahoney Time (1965–1968), a highly-imaginative kids' show. Paul Hosted his own shows as well as appeared on various other variety shows of the era. He also created "Oswald, by painting eyes and a nose on his chin, covering his face with a small costume, then having the camera inverted. The resulting pinheaded character. I just want to add an aside, I happen to be very lucky to be part of the Winchell/Mahoney club, but never made it to the forefront, more about that another time.
If you have any comments or things you might want to add or remember about this Icon of the still lips, please send them to me and I will be glad to add them. njay254@aol.com
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