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Sunday, July 20, 2008


I (Joey) have been sitting with N. Jay for a long time, trying to put this blog together for you, hope you like what we have done. If you have pictures of any event of your meeting or groups you want to add e mail them to me and i will be glad to add them... He could be a very funny vent, but he is dishwater without me, I haven't met any vents yet,to compare him to, so I don't know. . I look forward to our first gig, when ever they are. Joey and Ms. Barkley have become permanent members of our family and look forward to showing them off to all of you in the future. There will be other members to be members added to the family. If you know of anyone with a goofy country bumpkin, cousin for me(Joey) and a grandpa/ma 108 please leave a message by e mailing me. We are also adding a Vent short bio and photo to accompany it, so if you would like to be added please send that along as well be sure to include your birthday. If you have any comment or critique you would love to add , be glad to hear from you. This Blog is meant for beginners and pro's alike so if you have a words of advise please leave them so I can make a list of things to do or not to do. Remember we are still our infancy and we are only crawling, teach us to walk, and then run...Leave no stone unturned. Thank you for comming in for a visit. contact-

David Robison said...
Welcome to ventriloquism and to the blogosphere!Good luck to you.Dave

1 comment:

Dave Robison said...

Welcome to ventriloquism and to the blogosphere!

Good luck to you.
