My first visit to the Palm Beach Storytellers guild was a pleasure to attend.. I was informed that the founder as well as first president of the guild was Caron Neile, followed by Midge and then the current president Adele. I was welcomed by the group as they each told their different storys. I must admit I was searching for a childrens storytime type of story to share with the children during ventriloquist storytime... There was one that came close to the product I was looking for and that was 'The way you are is good enough.' Other stories that were shared was a visit to Woodstock 1969, Greg & The Night Watchman, A short intermission was given. When everyone returned Adele informed us of the Storybox she was given at Literacy For The Arts, Broward Cultural, Dillard Center. I found this to be a great idea for vent storytime, you fill up the basket with different items and talk about them by putting them into a story format as you remove them one at a time...Adele went on to talk about upside down fairytales, sort of a backwards forwards story, the next story was Expressions As A Tour Director...If I left anyone out please inform me by clicking on comment or sending me an e mail at

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