Before Christianity, magic was in the everyday lives of the people. Magic then was what prayer is today, communication and winning power from their gods was first hand. Trickery was inevitable and clever magicians took advantage of the ignorant people. By going into the belly of the sanctuary they could go to various conduits and have their voices move throughout the churches and various parts of the city. The workers would think the gods were speaking to them. About 100 years ago in China a stone image stood on a platform inside a shrine, and as people would walk by they would hear the shrine speak. Later, after further examination, a tube was found running from the mouth of the stone image to behind the opposite wall of the statue. Ancient priests were assumed to speak through them. During the Greco-Roman period many people have commented the Egyptian statues of Memnon spoke, people thought it to be the voice of the gods. Magic was one of the two major elements in the study of the ancient occult. The other was divination, or the foretelling of the future. Born out of man’s desires to know the future, certain divination practices arose. This is where ventriloquism comes in. Similar to a séance where the belief was that the voice they heard was from the dear departed. The history of Ventriloquism and the right to practice from then on out was an up hill battle. During the times of about 1500 BC the Mosaic Law given to the Israelites was that it was forbidden to practice necromancy or any other occult practices. The practice of necromancy carried the Death Penalty, and although this was the case it was still practiced in biblical times. In the first book of Samuel is a story of the witch of Endor. The story goes that King Saul got into trouble with the Philistine armies. He found his prayers for peace unanswered, so he asked Endor to invoke the spirit of the deceased prophet Samuel for advice. She found out it was King Saul; she was invoking the spirit, but refused, afraid to be arrested. King Saul assured her she would not be jailed and to continue the process of invoking the spirit. As the woman invoked this spirit it is said that King Saul passed out, but that a man did arise from the ground and spoke words to Saul. No one knows if it was trickery or if it did in fact happen. The controversy lives on today. In the greek version of the scriptures, the word “Baal Obh” is compounded of prefixes and suffixes meaning “in”, “belly” and “speaker” or belly speaker. They would do this by talking in a diffused voice engaged in a certain amount of lip control. The person watching would think that the voices were that of the spirit coming from inside the belly speaker’s stomach. Ventriloquists became known as pythones, becoming very important people. During the reign of Augustus Caesar, Christianity arose, showing no tolerance for occult practices or divination. However, somehow the practice continued to thrive. St. Clement wrote "The Ventriloquists are still held in high honor by many" and he placed them in high standings beside many religious people. Not all shared in this opinion, including Origen writing his commentary on Samuel, and St. Gregory believed that ventriloquist diviners were possessed by demons whether or not it was a mere vocal deception. This thought continued in 470AD with Constantine’s embrace of the church, as he made any such practices illegal and forbidden. Thus religious persecution began, and the witch trials followed. Anyone wanting a shilling or two would find an old decrepit body and turn them in as a witch. This continued on until between the 13th and 17th Centuries, and all records were released of divine ventriloquism during this time. Reformation brought little relief. Even for Elizabeth Barton, known as “the holy maid”. She was said to have spoken from a voice within her belly. She was executed. And in 1584 Reginald Scot published “The Discoveries of Witchcraft”. This reflected witchcraft as being evil, but not because of demon possession but only sleight of hand tricks and illusions. He devoted a chapter on Ventriloquism saying, “The Pythones spoke hollow in the bottom of their stomachs”. During the 16th Century there was a turning point for this practice. In the late 16th Century Ventriloquism made a turn around and in England was gradually emerging as a form of amusement. James 1 used it as entertainment in his court and gradually the church grew more lenient toward the practice. In Austria in 1750, a new dimension was added as Baron Von Mengen began using a small doll figure in which he installed a moving mouth. By moving the mouth and synchronizing these movements with the ventriloquial voice, he gave the effect that the doll itself was talking. From there a revolution in Ventriloquism took place. In the late 18th Century Ventriloquism was becoming a popular form of entertainment. In the North of England, James Burns, a native of Ireland was attracting large crowds in village squares and taverns performing his ventriloquial acts. Otherwise known as Count O’Burns or Squeaking Tommy he made ventriloquism a popular form of entertainment in the pubs. Thomas Haskey witnessed Burns and continued further with this form of entertainment, after Burns’s death. Changing his name to Askins he made his debut on the London stage in the summer of 1796. In the 18th and 19th Centuries Ventriloquism and magicians began to make a comeback in popular entertainment. In America Richard Potter in 1801 brought popular forms of Ventriloquism to America. Potter was followed by many, but importantly in 1820 Nicholas Mari Vattermare brought this entertainment to a new plain. He started in Paris and then moved to Britain. His act contained 13 characters. He gained the respect of eminent people including Sir Walter Scott. On the side he began campaigning for free libraries all over the world and this is one of the reasons he ended up in America. He did shows in America and his success prompted a revival of the ventriloquial act, and performers including himself began making money in America doing one man shows. At the turn of the 20th Century many still misunderstood Ventriloquism as a supernatural gift that enabled the ventriloquist to “throw his voice". Yet their success continued so much so that the individual performers began to patent their designs not only for their acts but also mainly for the puppets they used. In the USA performers like Harry Kennedy, Ed Reynan and AO Duncan enjoyed much success in the business. However, in 1896 Fred Russell was introduced into the business. He became known as “the father of modern ventriloquism”. When he walked on London’s Palace Theatre stage carrying a single figure named Joe, who he sat on his knee, the crowd went wild! It revolutionized ventriloquism into the form of popular entertainment as we most widely recognize it today. More important however, was his format or style, a pattern most ventriloquists have followed since. He made his sidekick Joe more important than himself. “…A place that ventriloquial figures have held over human partners ever since”. In 1906 Fred Russell was a key figure establishing the Variety Artist Federation and in 1932 the Royal Variety Performance took part in 1950’s television shows. It was due to his efforts to improve conditions in the profession that still governs variety acts today. One of his great successors was Arthur Prince the highest paid entertainer in the business. The beginning of the end for Ventriloquism was in 1920’s with the arrival of film. The final blow was in 1927 when sound was added in a film called The Jazz Singer. However, ventriloquists did enjoy quite a ride in the movie industry. They made their debut in the movie, The Great Gabbo. Radio shows also stayed popular for a while, especially with the famous Charlie McCarthy one of the most famous wooden boys not ever alive! An American Renaissance began with McCarthy and ventriloquism everywhere began to pick up. However, this popular form of entertainment was no match for the authenticity of film and television. An authenticity that was more than ready to find the faults with the illusions of ventriloquism.
The illusion of the talking figure relies upon the basic movement of the mouth, which when moved in conjunction with the ventriloquial voices, gives the appearance of speaking. Mimicry is the root of the practice. Based upon the fact that the ear experiences great difficulty determining the exact source of sound that it hears. The ventriloquist takes advantage by mimicking near and distant sounds, while misdirecting the auditor. It can be acquired by application. There are two main categories of Ventriloquism. Near Ventriloquism uses close distance as related to the figure, or doll. Distant Voice Ventriloquism comes from a distance, outside, offstage or below the floor. In production of a normal voice, three mechanical effects are involved. First there needs to be a motivating force, such as the breath. Then there needs to be a vibrator, such as the vocal folds, and finally resonators, the throat, nose and mouth cavity. Breath from the lungs travels to the larynx or voice box. In the larynx are two ligament vocal folds or cords. When air from lungs passes over these it causes them to vibrate producing a tone. The tone moves to resonators where it is amplified. From there it is the function of the articulators, the tongue teeth and lips. When a near ventriloquist speaks he perform two different voices, one for him and one for the alter ego.
This is produced by position of the tongue. Normally the tongue lies flat and tone passes over it. Sound comes out mainly through the mouth and partially through the nose cavity. When ventriloquists arch their tongue up or back tone passes through the nose cavity and partially through the mouth. An example is when the “ng” sound is made, such as in song, sang, or fling. The back of the tongue makes contact with the soft palate giving voice a nasal quality. Making a prolonged “ah” sound while changing the tongue from flat to arched is called the Ventriloquial Drone and is the first step in learning the speech. The second step is changing smoothly from one’s own voice to Drone. Then trying letters, then words, and finally sentences.
This is very important for the ventriloquist. The letters B, P, F, M, and V and W are very hard to control and that is why you will see ventriloquists in the past and even today with long mustaches. To solve this problem some engage only in interior articulators while keeping the visible exterior one’s immobile. To overcome the problem of enunciating these consonants without moving lips, the ventriloquist must learn to duplicate their sounds using only the interior organs of the mouth which are unseen by the observer.
This is slightly different. It is sometimes referred to as “throwing the voice”. In reality the voice is never really thrown, but the illusion of it seems to be thrown. When we produce normal speech it is amplified by the mouth and nasal cavities. At the same time this gives voice timbre and resonance. The distance and location of the listener gauges the loudness of these sounds. The principle of Distant Ventriloquism is to imitate this basic vocalization. Ventriloquists emits a vocal tone without allowing it the full benefit of the resounding system. For example the lungs fill with air and the throat becomes partially closed off. Pressure exerted by the diaphragm and impeded breath is slowly released over the vocal folds, confining the tone to the larynx area. To try this yourself fill your lungs with air, partially close the throat, then expel air, gradually exerting pressure with the diaphragm while emitting a prolonged “ah” sound confining tone to the larynx.
Now in the 21st Century, a new form of Ventriloquism has emerged. Many definitions of this term are put out into the discourse of our modern era. Steve Connor’s an academic figure defines ventriloquism as “not merely making ones voice appear from nowhere- he means the word to designate all forms which may be taken by sourceless, or disassociated or displaced voices, along with the various explinations of such voices”. So, not only is he referring to this popular form of entertainment that once lived on the stage, but also any other form of disembodied voice. According to the academic journal TDR, an academic definition used today of ventriloquism is a general term for any variety of speaking for or through a represented other.” So in other words a legal document representing a company would in modern times be a form of ventriloquism. Or perhaps a congresswoman speaking on behalf of women’s rights in the workplace would be a ventriloquist. It seems that ventriloquism we see today is that of the form of entertainment that ventriloquism developed into around the late 18th and 19th Centuries. That form does still exist today, but in part only through informal events, such as in churches and in children’s research. Ventriloquial entertainment is getting a shot of rejuvenation. How strange it seems that one word can travel through history all the way from antiquity to today, changing invariably to mean the same thing, yet not at all the same thing. Starting out as a way to revive the dead spirit to foretell the future, to representing the discourse of a society or formal representation of a group of people. But the one thing that holds this word together is that of another term, Disassociated Voice or Disembodied Voice. Meaning a voice coming from another source that is not one’s own. Invoking a spirit involves disassociated voice, as does ventriloquial entertainment.
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Send WORLDVENTS your favorite insider Vent joke. That’s a joke that can only happen between a vent and figure. .
For example FIGURE: You need to treat me with more respect. After all good ventriloquial assistance don’t grow on trees . . . (TO AUDIENCE) I wish I hadn’t said that. (From Robert Orben) --or--VENT: You happen to be talking to an expert ventriloquist.
FIGURE: You happen to be talking to yourself. (From Bergen)Well, there’s two.
What’s your favorite So far the following examples have been shared:
From Bill DeMar:Chuck: I'll do Charlie McCarthy, and you do Edgar Bergen.
Me: O.K., I'll try.Chuck: Don't forget to move your lips. --and--Me: I asked you a question. You're not saying anything.Chuck: You forgot my line.
From Neale Bacon:Horton: You are a really great ventriloquist!
Me: I wish you wouldn't say that
Horton: I wish you wouldn't make me.
From N J Holtzman:
NJ: Hey, Jellybeans I think your are the smartest dummy around.
Jelly Bean Joey: Awww you shouldn't have to say that, but I like it, I like it.
NJ: Well can't you say somthing nice about me?
JBJ: Sure I can, I think Your the dumbest smarty around.
JBJ: Are you gonna vote in the election?
NJ: Sure, I already Made my mind up.
JBJ: Wonderful... untried territory.
From Tom Crowl:Vent: I'm trying to figure out where your accent comes from
Figure: Your throat.
Al Stevens shared a whole page:
From Buddy Big Mountain:
Figger's eyes follow someone walking across the front of the stage.
Figger - WOW! Did you see that?
Vent - No
Figger - Then how did I?
Figger is singing a Winabago song and starts choking
Figger - Don't you ever start choking while I'm singing again!
Vent - Sorry.
From Thomas Rogers via J. Nelson:
Figure: (Coughs a couple of times and looks a Vent) Would you please clear your throat?
Vent: (Clears throat). How's that?
Figure: (As if "tuning") Me-me-me-me. Much better. Thanks.
For example FIGURE: You need to treat me with more respect. After all good ventriloquial assistance don’t grow on trees . . . (TO AUDIENCE) I wish I hadn’t said that. (From Robert Orben) --or--VENT: You happen to be talking to an expert ventriloquist.
FIGURE: You happen to be talking to yourself. (From Bergen)Well, there’s two.
What’s your favorite So far the following examples have been shared:
From Bill DeMar:Chuck: I'll do Charlie McCarthy, and you do Edgar Bergen.
Me: O.K., I'll try.Chuck: Don't forget to move your lips. --and--Me: I asked you a question. You're not saying anything.Chuck: You forgot my line.
From Neale Bacon:Horton: You are a really great ventriloquist!
Me: I wish you wouldn't say that
Horton: I wish you wouldn't make me.
From N J Holtzman:
NJ: Hey, Jellybeans I think your are the smartest dummy around.
Jelly Bean Joey: Awww you shouldn't have to say that, but I like it, I like it.
NJ: Well can't you say somthing nice about me?
JBJ: Sure I can, I think Your the dumbest smarty around.
JBJ: Are you gonna vote in the election?
NJ: Sure, I already Made my mind up.
JBJ: Wonderful... untried territory.
From Tom Crowl:Vent: I'm trying to figure out where your accent comes from
Figure: Your throat.
Al Stevens shared a whole page:
From Buddy Big Mountain:
Figger's eyes follow someone walking across the front of the stage.
Figger - WOW! Did you see that?
Vent - No
Figger - Then how did I?
Figger is singing a Winabago song and starts choking
Figger - Don't you ever start choking while I'm singing again!
Vent - Sorry.
From Thomas Rogers via J. Nelson:
Figure: (Coughs a couple of times and looks a Vent) Would you please clear your throat?
Vent: (Clears throat). How's that?
Figure: (As if "tuning") Me-me-me-me. Much better. Thanks.
Sunday, October 26, 2008

"Finally, Ventriloquist Legend Bill DeMar Reveals The SecretTo His Most Amazing Routine...The Tape Over The Mouth Bit!"
Bill performing the Tape Over the Mouth Routine at the Vent Haven ConVENTion
But This Amazing, Once-In-A-Lifetime Performance License Is Only Being Made Available To 50 Lucky People. After the 50 Licenses Are Gone, The Secret May Never Be Revealed To Anyone Else By Bill - Ever!
Bill performing the Tape Over the Mouth Routine at the Vent Haven ConVENTion
But This Amazing, Once-In-A-Lifetime Performance License Is Only Being Made Available To 50 Lucky People. After the 50 Licenses Are Gone, The Secret May Never Be Revealed To Anyone Else By Bill - Ever!
Friday, October 24, 2008
October 21 2008, 5:18 PM
Are you referrin to da twain on the choo choo twacks
I used to be edumacated den I got smart
grumps (grownups) go to da ice skatin ringk caus der chillins kan
an dem folks'll do anythin dem chillins el does.
Adlib practiceOctober 21 2008 at 5:19 PM
Tony Borders
There are certain situations which will present themselves repeatedly. Please add more than this list.
F is for figure and V is for Volunteer
F: (to volunteer) What's your name?
F: CJ? How do you spell that?
F: How old are you?
V: 6
F: Really? That's how old I was when I was your age!
F: What is your favorite sport?
V: Soccer
F: I like basketball. You have to use your head in soccer, but you don't use your head for anything in basketball.
F: What grade are you in?
V: Second
F: Aaah! I love second grade! It was two of the best years of my life.
F: (to ventriloquist when a child volunteer won't stand still.) You know those ants that were in the house last time it rained?
Vent: Yes. They're gone now.
F: I think they ended up in his pants. He's got ants in his pants and they're making him dance.
V: I know you're not really talking.
Vent: That's right. When he's talking, I'm talking. Do you know what that's called?
Figure: It's called rude!
Vent: I can see your mouth (tongue, lips..) move.
F: Is he trying to kiss me again?or
Vent: That's right. When the puppet is talking you can see my tongue move.
F: What? Do you stick out your tongue when I'm talking?
(Scared child)Vent: I think there is someone here who is afraid of you.
F: If you think I'm scary you should see Tony when he first wakes up!
Vent: Did you forget your line again?
F: No. My memory card is full.
Eccentric Equations (diltoids)
1) 26 = L of the A
2) 7 = W of the W
3) 1001 = A N
4) 12 = S of the Z
5) 54 = C in a D (with the J)
6) 9 = P in the S S
7) 88 = P K
8) 1 = M L on the C F
9) 0 = D C at which W F
10) 18 = H on a G C
11) 90 = D in a R A
12) 200 = D for P G in M
13) 8 = S on a S S
14) 3 = B M (S H T R)
15) 4 = Q in a G
16) 24 = H in a D
17) 1 = W on a U
18) 6 = L and N in a P C
19) 57 = H V
20) 11 = P on a F T
21) 12 = D of C
22) 29 = D in F in a L Y
23) 64 = S on a C B
24) 40 = D and N of the G F
25) 9 = P on a B T
26) 12 = E in a D
27) 1 = H in a D
28) 99 = B of B (O T W)
29) 1000 = W that a P is W
30) 5 = T on a F
31) 5 = F on a H
32) 60 = M in an H
33) 60 = S in a M
34) 10 = C
35) 93,000,000 = M to the S
36) 2 = P in a P
37) 32 = D F at which W F
38) 6 = W of H the E
39) 9 = L has a C
40) 101 = D
41) 30 = D H S A J and N
42) 1 = D at a T
43) 2 = T D (and a P in a P T)
44) 13 = C in a S
45) 8 = P of S in the E L
46) 20,000 = L U the S
47) 360 = D in a C
48) 13 = B D
49) 2001 = A S O
50) 6 = S on a C
51) 32 = T including W T
52) 100 = L on a C
53) 3 = W M
54) 7 = D
55) 1, 2 = B M S
56) 206 = B in the H B
57) 6 = S on a H
58) 4 = S in a Y
59) 21 = G S
60) 3 = S
61) 12 = I in a F
62) 1000 = C in a M
63) 5 = N in a Z C
64) 12 = M in a Y
65) 3 = P in a H G
66) 8 = L on a S
67) 20 = N on a D B
68) 7 = C in the W
69) 9 = I in a B G
70) 25 = C in a Q
71) 0 = D at the E
72) 7 = N in a P N
73) 4 = C D
74) 100 = Y in a C
75) 65 = M A of a S C
1) 26 = Letters of the Alphabet
2) 7 = Wonders of the World
3) 1001 = Arabian Nights
4) 12 = Signs of the Zodiac
5) 54 = Cards in a Deck (with the Jokers)
6) 9 = Planets in the Solar System
7) 88 = Piano Keys
8) 1 = Maple Leaf on the Canadian Flag
9) 0 = Degrees Celsius at which Water Freezes
10) 18 = Holes on a Golf Course
11) 90 = Degrees in a Right Angle
12) 200 = Dollars for Passing Go in Monopoly
13) 8 = Sides on a Stop Sign
14) 3 = Blind Mice (See How They Run)
15) 4 = Quarts in a Gallon
16) 24 = Hours in a Day
17) 1 = Wheel on a Unicycle
18) 6 = Letters and Numbers in a Postal Code
19) 57 = Heinz Variety
20) 11 = Players on a Football Team
21) 12 = Days of Christmas or Disciples of Christ
22) 29 = Days in February in a Leap Year
23) 64 = Squares on a Checker/Chess Board
24) 40 = Days and Nights of the Great Flood
25) 9 = Players on a Baseball Team
26) 12 = Eggs in a Dozen
27) 1 = Holes in a Donut
28) 99 = Bottles of Beer (On The Wall)
29) 1000 = Words that a Picture is Worth
30) 5 = Toes on a Foot
31) 5 = Fingers on a Hand
32) 60 = Minutes in an Hour
33) 60 = Seconds in a Minute
34) 10 = Commandments
35) 93,000,000 = Miles to the Sun
36) 2 = Peas in a Pod
37) 32 = Degrees Fahrenheit at which Water Freezes
38) 6 = Wives of Henry the Eighth
39) 9 = Lives has a Cat
40) 101 = Dalmatians
41) 30 = Days Hath September April June and November
42) 1 = Day at a Time
43) 2 = Turtle Doves (and a Partridge in a Pear Tree)
44) 13 = Cards in a Suit
45) 8 = Parts of Speech in the English Language
46) 20,000 = Leagues Under the Sea
47) 360 = Degrees in a Circle
48) 13 = Baker's Dozen
49) 2001 = A Space Odyssey
50) 6 = Sides on a Cube
51) 32 = Teeth including Wisdom Teeth
52) 100 = Legs on a Centipede
53) 3 = Wise Men
54) 7 = Dwarfs
55) 1, 2 = Buckle My Shoe
56) 206 = Bones in the Human Body
57) 6 = Sides on a Hexagon
58) 4 = Seasons in a Year
59) 21 = Gun Salute
60) 3 = Stooges
61) 12 = Inches in a Foot
62) 1000 = Centimeters in a Meter
63) 5 = Numbers in a Zip Code
64) 12 = Months in a Year
65) 3 = Periods in a Hockey Game
66) 8 = Legs on a Spider
67) 20 = Numbers on a Dart Board
68) 7 = Continents in the World
69) 9 = Innings in a Baseball Game
70) 25 = Cents in a Quarter
71) 0 = Latitude Degrees at the Equator
72) 7 = Numbers in a Phone Number
73) 4 = Cardinal Directions
74) 100 = Years in a Century
75) 65 = Minimum Age of a Senior Citizen
October 21 2008, 5:18 PM
Are you referrin to da twain on the choo choo twacks
I used to be edumacated den I got smart
grumps (grownups) go to da ice skatin ringk caus der chillins kan
an dem folks'll do anythin dem chillins el does.
Adlib practiceOctober 21 2008 at 5:19 PM
Tony Borders
There are certain situations which will present themselves repeatedly. Please add more than this list.
F is for figure and V is for Volunteer
F: (to volunteer) What's your name?
F: CJ? How do you spell that?
F: How old are you?
V: 6
F: Really? That's how old I was when I was your age!
F: What is your favorite sport?
V: Soccer
F: I like basketball. You have to use your head in soccer, but you don't use your head for anything in basketball.
F: What grade are you in?
V: Second
F: Aaah! I love second grade! It was two of the best years of my life.
F: (to ventriloquist when a child volunteer won't stand still.) You know those ants that were in the house last time it rained?
Vent: Yes. They're gone now.
F: I think they ended up in his pants. He's got ants in his pants and they're making him dance.
V: I know you're not really talking.
Vent: That's right. When he's talking, I'm talking. Do you know what that's called?
Figure: It's called rude!
Vent: I can see your mouth (tongue, lips..) move.
F: Is he trying to kiss me again?or
Vent: That's right. When the puppet is talking you can see my tongue move.
F: What? Do you stick out your tongue when I'm talking?
(Scared child)Vent: I think there is someone here who is afraid of you.
F: If you think I'm scary you should see Tony when he first wakes up!
Vent: Did you forget your line again?
F: No. My memory card is full.
Eccentric Equations (diltoids)
1) 26 = L of the A
2) 7 = W of the W
3) 1001 = A N
4) 12 = S of the Z
5) 54 = C in a D (with the J)
6) 9 = P in the S S
7) 88 = P K
8) 1 = M L on the C F
9) 0 = D C at which W F
10) 18 = H on a G C
11) 90 = D in a R A
12) 200 = D for P G in M
13) 8 = S on a S S
14) 3 = B M (S H T R)
15) 4 = Q in a G
16) 24 = H in a D
17) 1 = W on a U
18) 6 = L and N in a P C
19) 57 = H V
20) 11 = P on a F T
21) 12 = D of C
22) 29 = D in F in a L Y
23) 64 = S on a C B
24) 40 = D and N of the G F
25) 9 = P on a B T
26) 12 = E in a D
27) 1 = H in a D
28) 99 = B of B (O T W)
29) 1000 = W that a P is W
30) 5 = T on a F
31) 5 = F on a H
32) 60 = M in an H
33) 60 = S in a M
34) 10 = C
35) 93,000,000 = M to the S
36) 2 = P in a P
37) 32 = D F at which W F
38) 6 = W of H the E
39) 9 = L has a C
40) 101 = D
41) 30 = D H S A J and N
42) 1 = D at a T
43) 2 = T D (and a P in a P T)
44) 13 = C in a S
45) 8 = P of S in the E L
46) 20,000 = L U the S
47) 360 = D in a C
48) 13 = B D
49) 2001 = A S O
50) 6 = S on a C
51) 32 = T including W T
52) 100 = L on a C
53) 3 = W M
54) 7 = D
55) 1, 2 = B M S
56) 206 = B in the H B
57) 6 = S on a H
58) 4 = S in a Y
59) 21 = G S
60) 3 = S
61) 12 = I in a F
62) 1000 = C in a M
63) 5 = N in a Z C
64) 12 = M in a Y
65) 3 = P in a H G
66) 8 = L on a S
67) 20 = N on a D B
68) 7 = C in the W
69) 9 = I in a B G
70) 25 = C in a Q
71) 0 = D at the E
72) 7 = N in a P N
73) 4 = C D
74) 100 = Y in a C
75) 65 = M A of a S C
1) 26 = Letters of the Alphabet
2) 7 = Wonders of the World
3) 1001 = Arabian Nights
4) 12 = Signs of the Zodiac
5) 54 = Cards in a Deck (with the Jokers)
6) 9 = Planets in the Solar System
7) 88 = Piano Keys
8) 1 = Maple Leaf on the Canadian Flag
9) 0 = Degrees Celsius at which Water Freezes
10) 18 = Holes on a Golf Course
11) 90 = Degrees in a Right Angle
12) 200 = Dollars for Passing Go in Monopoly
13) 8 = Sides on a Stop Sign
14) 3 = Blind Mice (See How They Run)
15) 4 = Quarts in a Gallon
16) 24 = Hours in a Day
17) 1 = Wheel on a Unicycle
18) 6 = Letters and Numbers in a Postal Code
19) 57 = Heinz Variety
20) 11 = Players on a Football Team
21) 12 = Days of Christmas or Disciples of Christ
22) 29 = Days in February in a Leap Year
23) 64 = Squares on a Checker/Chess Board
24) 40 = Days and Nights of the Great Flood
25) 9 = Players on a Baseball Team
26) 12 = Eggs in a Dozen
27) 1 = Holes in a Donut
28) 99 = Bottles of Beer (On The Wall)
29) 1000 = Words that a Picture is Worth
30) 5 = Toes on a Foot
31) 5 = Fingers on a Hand
32) 60 = Minutes in an Hour
33) 60 = Seconds in a Minute
34) 10 = Commandments
35) 93,000,000 = Miles to the Sun
36) 2 = Peas in a Pod
37) 32 = Degrees Fahrenheit at which Water Freezes
38) 6 = Wives of Henry the Eighth
39) 9 = Lives has a Cat
40) 101 = Dalmatians
41) 30 = Days Hath September April June and November
42) 1 = Day at a Time
43) 2 = Turtle Doves (and a Partridge in a Pear Tree)
44) 13 = Cards in a Suit
45) 8 = Parts of Speech in the English Language
46) 20,000 = Leagues Under the Sea
47) 360 = Degrees in a Circle
48) 13 = Baker's Dozen
49) 2001 = A Space Odyssey
50) 6 = Sides on a Cube
51) 32 = Teeth including Wisdom Teeth
52) 100 = Legs on a Centipede
53) 3 = Wise Men
54) 7 = Dwarfs
55) 1, 2 = Buckle My Shoe
56) 206 = Bones in the Human Body
57) 6 = Sides on a Hexagon
58) 4 = Seasons in a Year
59) 21 = Gun Salute
60) 3 = Stooges
61) 12 = Inches in a Foot
62) 1000 = Centimeters in a Meter
63) 5 = Numbers in a Zip Code
64) 12 = Months in a Year
65) 3 = Periods in a Hockey Game
66) 8 = Legs on a Spider
67) 20 = Numbers on a Dart Board
68) 7 = Continents in the World
69) 9 = Innings in a Baseball Game
70) 25 = Cents in a Quarter
71) 0 = Latitude Degrees at the Equator
72) 7 = Numbers in a Phone Number
73) 4 = Cardinal Directions
74) 100 = Years in a Century
75) 65 = Minimum Age of a Senior Citizen
Thursday, October 23, 2008
The jokes below have all been writen by N Jay and are prohibited for use without written consent
V:Jellybean do you know why the cow jumped over the moon
F: Yup!! To get as far away from you as possible
V: Do you know why little Bo Peep Lost her sheep
F: Because she had a bad poker hand
V: you heard of the poem: Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall, Humpty Dumpty had a great fall
F: yeah I heard of it but they got it all wrong
V: Why do you say that
F: Because he didn't fall, he was pushed,
V: Pushed what do you mean
F: ya wanna finish this line (make it funny)
V: I went fishing yesterday and caught a whopper
F: What did someone do throw a can of tuna at you
V: Hey Jelly Bean Joey do you work after school
F: Of Course
V: Well what do you do
F: I have a paper route
V: You do? How many customers
F: 150
V: WOW!!! Thats some large route
F: Yeah 150 houses or 1 dumpster
NJ: Hey Jellybeans I think your are the smartest dummy around
Jelly Bean Joey: Awww you shouldn't have to say that, but i like it I like it.
NJ Well can't you say something nice about me
JellyBean Joey: Sure if I have to... I think... Your the dumbest smarty around.
JBJ: are you gonna vote in the election
NJ: Sure I already Made my mind up
JBJ: Wonderful... unchartered (untried) territory
V: (singing) Where have you gone Joey Boy Joey Boy Oh where have you gone Charmin Joey
F: Whats it worth to you!?
V: Why can't you be nice
F: I don't know, can you tell me
V: You used to be so kind, so sweet, so nice...
F: (jumping in) So What, I can be good for $10.
V: Why can't you be like me
F: And be good for nothin
V:Jellybean do you know why the cow jumped over the moon
F: Yup!! To get as far away from you as possible
V: Do you know why little Bo Peep Lost her sheep
F: Because she had a bad poker hand
V: you heard of the poem: Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall, Humpty Dumpty had a great fall
F: yeah I heard of it but they got it all wrong
V: Why do you say that
F: Because he didn't fall, he was pushed,
V: Pushed what do you mean
F: ya wanna finish this line (make it funny)
V: I went fishing yesterday and caught a whopper
F: What did someone do throw a can of tuna at you
V: Hey Jelly Bean Joey do you work after school
F: Of Course
V: Well what do you do
F: I have a paper route
V: You do? How many customers
F: 150
V: WOW!!! Thats some large route
F: Yeah 150 houses or 1 dumpster
NJ: Hey Jellybeans I think your are the smartest dummy around
Jelly Bean Joey: Awww you shouldn't have to say that, but i like it I like it.
NJ Well can't you say something nice about me
JellyBean Joey: Sure if I have to... I think... Your the dumbest smarty around.
JBJ: are you gonna vote in the election
NJ: Sure I already Made my mind up
JBJ: Wonderful... unchartered (untried) territory
V: (singing) Where have you gone Joey Boy Joey Boy Oh where have you gone Charmin Joey
F: Whats it worth to you!?
V: Why can't you be nice
F: I don't know, can you tell me
V: You used to be so kind, so sweet, so nice...
F: (jumping in) So What, I can be good for $10.
V: Why can't you be like me
F: And be good for nothin
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Lights......Camera......AXion! Time once again for the Axtell Puppet Video Challenge! Lots of prizes including a chance to appear in Las Vegas with Terry Fator! If you got what it takes and I know that most of you do, if not all of you then log onto HTTP://AXTELL.COM EXPRESSIONS and upload the rules and regulatations for the 2nd annual Video contest, If you don't you might just want your puppet to kick you in the pants....go to enter here on his first page, go get your camera, you had time to go over your routine many times, your now ready, do your routine before the camera send it to Steve by following his directions and you just might wind up on THE TERRY FATOR LAS VEGAS SHOW. good luck....
Hello everyone, I am working on a new resource project and I'd really appreciate your input. So, I pose this question to you: "What is the one biggest challenge you have in your entertainment career?" Only choose one thing. It can be anything - booking shows, memorizing routines, writing scripts, technique, etc. I want to compile as many comments as I can to see if there are common themes as to what the majority have challenges with. And to then research and propose ideas which may help you overcome those issues.
I have been at this game for over fourty years, and I still hate working out fees.
Steve London
I have been at this game for over fourty years, and I still hate working out fees.
Steve London
Monday, October 20, 2008
Happy Birthday to N Jay & Jelly Bean Joey (Thats Me) and the Gang
Today we have reach a new plateau, in our creation we have reached the age of 3 mons. and were so happy to be alive, I don't always have wonderful stuff to say about my creator, no not him the other guy, N Jay. But I think he did good stuff here. Happy Happy Birthday to us, N Jay
Ms Barkley, Looney Toons Louie, Sniggles, George the Funky Monkey and me Jelly Beans Joey.
Hey Jelly Beans why are you constantly stealing the show? Because with out me N jay it would be curtains. Thats rude why can't you be good like me? Oh you mean good for nothing.... Ok back in the case. Say good night Joey. Good Night Joey.
Ms Barkley, Looney Toons Louie, Sniggles, George the Funky Monkey and me Jelly Beans Joey.
Hey Jelly Beans why are you constantly stealing the show? Because with out me N jay it would be curtains. Thats rude why can't you be good like me? Oh you mean good for nothing.... Ok back in the case. Say good night Joey. Good Night Joey.

Skipper Frank Herman who hailed from Edmonton Canada as a well known and liked celebrated radio talent,for five years following world war 2, he came to LA and became a Local children's show personality. He hosted CARTOON CAROUSEL and FOR KIDS ONLY as well as Magic Party in the 1950s and 1960s. Dressed in a captain's hat, a blue blazer, and white slacks. The daily routine was cartoons, magic tricks and ventriloquism courtesy of his wooden sidekick Julius., a replacement for his origional pal Ziggy Originally, entertainer Mel Blanc (voice of Bugs Bunny) got the nod to become the star of the show CARTOON CAROUSEL, but when Blanc demanded too much money, the part fell to newcomer Frank Herman. Frank Herman was born due to his searching wardrobe locating a NAUTICAL BLUE BLAZER, which was about the only thing that fit properly, he got the captain's hat and the character Skipper Frank was created. As part of his duties as a children's show host, Skipper Frank often traveled to supermarkets and other events to promote his show and hawked a number of merchandise including Kellogg's Cornflakes under the "Cartoon Carousel" banner. The In the 1970s a bout with cancer left Frank almost totally deaf, but despite his disability, he continued to perform magic shows for children at schools and other venues. Frank is one of the founding member of the now famous Magic Castle in Hollywood. At the beginning of his TV career while doing a promo at a supermarket he had a dummy named Ziggy that was stolen from his car while performing. He tried but in vane to get him back, placing cry outs over the air for his wooden sidekick, but it was never found.
Thursday, October 16, 2008

Jimmy Weldon was born Dec 23, 1923, he is an actor , ventriloquist and Childrens TV host. He is best known as the voice of the cartoon character Yakky Doodle Duck and Webster Webfoot. Born in Texas, Weldon began his career as a disc jockey at KWCO in Oklahoma City in 1946, remaining there and staying till1950. He made his television debut in 1950, as "Uncle" Jimmy (himself) and the voice of the duck puppet, Webster Webfoot on "The Webster Webfoot Show", from Dallas, Texas. Leaving the airwaves temporailly and returning again in 1959, as the host of "HI, MOM" after Shari Lewis left. They continued performing their show in Fresno throughout the 1960s.
It was thanks to Weldon's "quacky" voice that he earned the voice-over for the Hanna-Barbera cartoon character, Yakky Doodle Duck. Yakky Doodle made frequent appearances on the Yogi Bear cartoons, and then got his own show, "The Yakky Doodle Duck Show", from 1960 to 1962.
Weldon has also made numerous television appearances, as well as voice-overs for various television shows and cartoons. Now its your turn I know that this has sparked a memory or two, so in the comments section please place your memories.
It was thanks to Weldon's "quacky" voice that he earned the voice-over for the Hanna-Barbera cartoon character, Yakky Doodle Duck. Yakky Doodle made frequent appearances on the Yogi Bear cartoons, and then got his own show, "The Yakky Doodle Duck Show", from 1960 to 1962.
Weldon has also made numerous television appearances, as well as voice-overs for various television shows and cartoons. Now its your turn I know that this has sparked a memory or two, so in the comments section please place your memories.
Tom Crowl said...
I found Jimmy on Youtube several years ago and visited his website to order his DVD. (Which I promptly forgot about.) Two months later he called me to apologize that he had just gotten the order! The man is absolutely wonderful. I will never forget the thrill I received talking with him on the phone.
I found Jimmy on Youtube several years ago and visited his website to order his DVD. (Which I promptly forgot about.) Two months later he called me to apologize that he had just gotten the order! The man is absolutely wonderful. I will never forget the thrill I received talking with him on the phone.
Monday, October 13, 2008
Howard Olson Son of Vaudevilles 'The Great Chestfield'

Howard Olson born in Chicago 1910, star of "Circus 3," on WISC-TV in Wisconsin.His sidekick everyones pal Cowboy Eddie. Olson's died on June 26, 1992, and Eddie hasn't been seen since, anyone check Vent Haven In the once upon a time almost every chilrens show had a puppet with a ventriloquist who was an honorary uncle or aunt. The show ran for 11 years right after Howdy Doody left the air, which began in 1961. During his raign the show amassed 13000 attedding kids and each weekday at 4PM who waited for almost 1/2 a year to get on the show. The show featured cartoons jokes from the viewers Question of the Day. Greetings were issued to the temporary members of the Get Well Quick Club.Drawings sent in to the program were displayed and commented upon by Cowboy Eddie, preceding their incorporation into the mammoth (and unseen) Paper City. In 1972, "Circus 3" was canceled after a change of management Cowboy Eddie was created for Howard's father the same year Howard was born.At the age of 5 Howard went into Vaudeville as a traveling entertainer at the end of the Vaudeville era Joining the Air Force during WW2, where he and "Corporal Eddie" entertained troops. 1961, Olson replaced Bozo as host of "Circus 3." Besides being a performer, Olson was a well-known builder of fine ventriloquist figures, and a teacher. Jacki Manna Read. A Des Moines native, she came to Madison in 1988 to study with Olson and assist in his workshop. Olson, who had no children, thought of Read as an unofficial niece.Before he passed away, Olson decided instead to leave everything to her.Today Read lives near Orlando, where Olson spent the last months of his life. And Cowboy Eddie?"He's great," Read says."I just had him refurbished by some very well-known puppet makers."Polished and painted, Eddie's not in retirement - far from it. Read is a busy ventriloquist who often performs at Disneyworld. Eddie is an occasional star once again, though primarily for gatherings of other ventriloquists. Does anyone have any stories to relate about this Vent of the Air waves.
Sunday, October 12, 2008
In 1940 a
gift of a Charlie McCarthy was given Terry as
a gift by his uncle for his birthday. About 4 years later he was already entering talent contests and winning. While still in his teens he was doing the Arthur Godfrey show as well as the Kate Smith show. In his 20s he was the opening act for some of the biggest names in show business in some of the greatest venues in the country. During this time he befriended Frank Marshall, one of the countrys best Puppet makers., for which Red Flannels was created for Terry. While serving in the Army during WW2 he served in France and of course Red Flannels came with him. While on tour in Canada Terry honed an act that was to make him a standout on Chicagoland Television,WBKB, of course that was Jobblewocky Place, which he created produced and wrote. After doing some work for the station in a similar capacity As if that wasn't enough to keep him busy, he also created the familiar logo for the ABC-TV network and promoted the network's many offerings including Maverick and Tennessee Ernie Ford's variety/music hour.
He introduced to his young television audience a stable of ventriloquial and hand puppet characters including Timothy Timber ( a sailor character and another Frank Marshall creation); Uncle Louie ( a talking picture); Mr. Head (a box with a voice); Mr. Engineer; Bertram Turtle (the largest and sleepiest turtle); and Rusty Hinges (an angry little boy), also a Frank Marshall original.
Airing weekday mornings from 8 to 9, the preschool program earned several awards including three nominations for Emmys. After leaving Chicago he moved to NYC for WPIX and from 1962-7 he produced many shows, included were Lets Have Fun, Red Flannels and Rusty Hinges were there as wellIn later weeks, the roster would include many of the characters created on Jobblewocky Place, as well as The Talking Shoe ("Shoes have tongues", Bennett points out, so they should be able to talk"); The Moon Man; Hugo, The Answer Hand (the smartest glove in captivity); Peter Parrot (who tries to repeat everything you teach him); Three Smart Men (three talking disembodied heads on a shelf); and others. As if history was repeating itself, Bennett earned and achieved the same respect and admiration in New York as he did back in his days at WBKB. Proud to have him as one of their "top" children's personalities which also included "Capt." Jack McCarthy, Hank Stohl (of The Surprise Show), and Carol Corbett, WPIX promoted Bennett and the others in a huge pre-Christmas advertising campaigned sponsored by Remco Toys. But by 1967, changes were in the wind again. Joy Bennett remembers...
Terry went on to do commercials till 1970s and after a long illness passed on to the big vent heaven in the sky. Red Flannels is kept safe in Vent Havens Museum He began in New York, moved to the Windy City in the 1950s where he became on of the most beloved and popular children's show hosts. He also created an atypical character for a late night horror movie show which gained him the admiration of the teenage set and night owl TV viewers. Lightning struck twice when he returned to New York. Terry Bennett's short life spawned a whirlwind of original ideas, creative characters, and imaginative productions. Over the years, Bennett's Chicago work has been largely forgotten, perhaps due to Joy Bennett's retirement from the business, losing contact with old friends and colleagues. Indeed, Jobblewocky Place and The Wacky World of Mr. B. were sadly absent from Chicago's Museum of Broadcast Communications grand opening of their permanent exhibit honoring the pioneers of Chicago children's television in April 2001. Terry and Joy Bennett seem to fill that bill. The Video Veteran hopes this retrospective helps in some small way. I was delighted to find some of this information about Terry and I hope you all enjoy and remember a lot of his stuff, if you do it would be a great addition to an already fabulous career.

He introduced to his young television audience a stable of ventriloquial and hand puppet characters including Timothy Timber ( a sailor character and another Frank Marshall creation); Uncle Louie ( a talking picture); Mr. Head (a box with a voice); Mr. Engineer; Bertram Turtle (the largest and sleepiest turtle); and Rusty Hinges (an angry little boy), also a Frank Marshall original.
Airing weekday mornings from 8 to 9, the preschool program earned several awards including three nominations for Emmys. After leaving Chicago he moved to NYC for WPIX and from 1962-7 he produced many shows, included were Lets Have Fun, Red Flannels and Rusty Hinges were there as wellIn later weeks, the roster would include many of the characters created on Jobblewocky Place, as well as The Talking Shoe ("Shoes have tongues", Bennett points out, so they should be able to talk"); The Moon Man; Hugo, The Answer Hand (the smartest glove in captivity); Peter Parrot (who tries to repeat everything you teach him); Three Smart Men (three talking disembodied heads on a shelf); and others. As if history was repeating itself, Bennett earned and achieved the same respect and admiration in New York as he did back in his days at WBKB. Proud to have him as one of their "top" children's personalities which also included "Capt." Jack McCarthy, Hank Stohl (of The Surprise Show), and Carol Corbett, WPIX promoted Bennett and the others in a huge pre-Christmas advertising campaigned sponsored by Remco Toys. But by 1967, changes were in the wind again. Joy Bennett remembers...
Terry went on to do commercials till 1970s and after a long illness passed on to the big vent heaven in the sky. Red Flannels is kept safe in Vent Havens Museum He began in New York, moved to the Windy City in the 1950s where he became on of the most beloved and popular children's show hosts. He also created an atypical character for a late night horror movie show which gained him the admiration of the teenage set and night owl TV viewers. Lightning struck twice when he returned to New York. Terry Bennett's short life spawned a whirlwind of original ideas, creative characters, and imaginative productions. Over the years, Bennett's Chicago work has been largely forgotten, perhaps due to Joy Bennett's retirement from the business, losing contact with old friends and colleagues. Indeed, Jobblewocky Place and The Wacky World of Mr. B. were sadly absent from Chicago's Museum of Broadcast Communications grand opening of their permanent exhibit honoring the pioneers of Chicago children's television in April 2001. Terry and Joy Bennett seem to fill that bill. The Video Veteran hopes this retrospective helps in some small way. I was delighted to find some of this information about Terry and I hope you all enjoy and remember a lot of his stuff, if you do it would be a great addition to an already fabulous career.
Monday, October 6, 2008
Rickie Layne, a ventriloquist who frequently appeared on "The Ed Sullivan Show" with his Yiddish-accented dummy Velvel, was discovered by singer Nat 'King'Cole in 1955 at Ciro's nightclub on the Sunset Strip and urged Sullivan to put the act on his popular Sunday night variety show, with a promise that should he flop Nat would appear for nothing, not only didn't he flop he became Ed's Favorite Ventriloquist, sometimes even getting into his act. Rickie was a Borscht Belt Ventriloquist who became popular due to the many television appearances he made. A typical routine would go something like this:"The bull charges ... and then you take out your espada." [The matador's killing sword].
"My what?"
"You take out your espada."
After much consternation, Velvel says, "So I take out my espada in front of 10,000 people. What do I do with my espada?"
"You wave it over your head."
"Evidently, you haven't seen my espada."
Rickie came from an entertainment family, his uncle bought him his first Dummy at the age of 9 and worked the Borscht Belt and waited tables afterwards he joined Major Bowes Traveling Amatuer, during WW 2, he was in the Army Entertainment Unit. When the war ended he toured with Bagels and Yox and the Borscht Capades. He soon moved to Calif and was seen by Nat KIng Cole as they say the rest was History. Velvel called Ed Sullivan 'Mr. Solomon'. Through the air time he got he also got better venues, such as the Copa in NYC, The Fountainbleu in Miami and the Orpheum in LA
"I did a gag with the dummy where he had a mustache. I'd say, 'You're just jealous because your mustache is bigger than mine,' and Velvel would answer, 'Anything I have is bigger than yours.'" He still had the old magic.
"My what?"
"You take out your espada."
After much consternation, Velvel says, "So I take out my espada in front of 10,000 people. What do I do with my espada?"
"You wave it over your head."
"Evidently, you haven't seen my espada."
Rickie came from an entertainment family, his uncle bought him his first Dummy at the age of 9 and worked the Borscht Belt and waited tables afterwards he joined Major Bowes Traveling Amatuer, during WW 2, he was in the Army Entertainment Unit. When the war ended he toured with Bagels and Yox and the Borscht Capades. He soon moved to Calif and was seen by Nat KIng Cole as they say the rest was History. Velvel called Ed Sullivan 'Mr. Solomon'. Through the air time he got he also got better venues, such as the Copa in NYC, The Fountainbleu in Miami and the Orpheum in LA
"I did a gag with the dummy where he had a mustache. I'd say, 'You're just jealous because your mustache is bigger than mine,' and Velvel would answer, 'Anything I have is bigger than yours.'" He still had the old magic.
Sunday, October 5, 2008

The show premiered November 1950 and featured human actors along with hand puppets
as a kids TV show. Rootie was a boy who really liked the kazootie as well as sports, that is why he always wore his baseball cap. Puppeteer Paul Ashley controlled Rootie's movements, as well as EL Squeako Mouse and Naomi Lewis gave voice to them. Rootie had a little girl friend name Poka Dotti, and Rootie's pup Gala Poochie Pup as well as the arch villian Poison Zoomack, who was voiced by Frank Milano.

Hi Folks:Here's something you can use for Thanksgiving in your shows.
It was sent around last year....but, some may have missed it.. It's good!luv, sis xoHeidi Wedel wrote:
Laugh often,& Love with all of your heart! It is sure to be appreciated.
Thursday, October 2, 2008

Sales is best known for his long-running daily kids show, Lunch with Soupy Sales. The show began in 1953 began in Detroit in the 1950s, going national in 1959 moving on to Los Angeles 1960-1962, and then again back to LA in 1978 Sales took the show to New York from 1964 to 66. White Fang, "The Biggest and Meanest Dog in the USA," who appeared only as a giant white shaggy paw with black triangular felt "claws" jutting out from the corner of the screen. Fang spoke with unintelligible short grunts and growls, which Soupy repeated back in English, often for comic effect. White Fang was often the pie thrower when Soupy's jokes bombed.
Black Tooth, "The Biggest and Sweetest Dog in the USA." Also seen only as a giant black paw with white triangular felt (just the opposite of White Fang), and with more feminine, but similarly unintelligible, dialogue. Black Tooth's trademark was pulling Soupy off-camera to give loud and noisy kisses.
Pookie the Lion, a lion puppet appearing in a large window behind Soupy (1950s), was a hipster with a rapier wit. His repartee with Soupy was rapid-fire. For example: Soupy: "Do you know why my life is so miserable?" Pookie: "You got me!" Soupy: "That's why!" One of Pookie's favorite lines when greeting Soupy was, "Hello, baby... want a kiss?"
Hippy the Hippo, a minor character who occasionally appeared with Pookie the Lion and never spoke. Frank Nastasi gave Hippy a voice for the New York shows. Clyde Adler operated all puppets on the show.
Black Tooth, "The Biggest and Sweetest Dog in the USA." Also seen only as a giant black paw with white triangular felt (just the opposite of White Fang), and with more feminine, but similarly unintelligible, dialogue. Black Tooth's trademark was pulling Soupy off-camera to give loud and noisy kisses.
Pookie the Lion, a lion puppet appearing in a large window behind Soupy (1950s), was a hipster with a rapier wit. His repartee with Soupy was rapid-fire. For example: Soupy: "Do you know why my life is so miserable?" Pookie: "You got me!" Soupy: "That's why!" One of Pookie's favorite lines when greeting Soupy was, "Hello, baby... want a kiss?"
Hippy the Hippo, a minor character who occasionally appeared with Pookie the Lion and never spoke. Frank Nastasi gave Hippy a voice for the New York shows. Clyde Adler operated all puppets on the show.
Jim Henson as Rowlf The Dog

Built in 1962 for for the Purina Dog Chow commercials, Jim Henson Don Sahlin created and built Rowlf, I remember Rowlf on the Jimmy Dean Show and he became famous from that show as Jimmy sidekick, he was on every episode from 1963-6, his fan mail was in the 1000's each week
As many of you might think to the contrary Rowlf was only on a few Sesame Street shows, but was a regular on the Muppet Show in 1976, as the pianist in the opening segment. Rowlf also played Dr. Bob, the wisecracking doctor in a recurring medical drama skit "Veterinarians' Hospital", alongside nurses Janice and Miss Piggy In 1984, Baby Rowlf debuted playing a toy piano during a musical number in The Muppets Take Manhattan. This fantasy sequence with the Muppets as babies was so popular that it resulted in the successful animated cartoon spinoff, Muppet Babies. He was voiced on that program by Katie Leigh.
Jim Henson's last public performance as Rowlf before his death was as guest on The Arsenio Hall Show in 1990. For several years afterward, the character was retired out of deference to Henson's memory.
transitioned into the role. Rowlf uttered his first word since Henson's death in the second episode of Muppets tonight Rowlf had several lines of dialogue in The Muppet Show Live in 2001 and also spoke two lines of dialogue ("Hey, Kermit!" and "Yeah! Heh, heh. Oh!") in It's a Very Merry Muppet Christmas Movie in 2002. In 2005, however, Rowlf had a 190-word monologue in the second episode of Statler and Waldorf scene.
Jim Henson's last public performance as Rowlf before his death was as guest on The Arsenio Hall Show in 1990. For several years afterward, the character was retired out of deference to Henson's memory.
transitioned into the role. Rowlf uttered his first word since Henson's death in the second episode of Muppets tonight Rowlf had several lines of dialogue in The Muppet Show Live in 2001 and also spoke two lines of dialogue ("Hey, Kermit!" and "Yeah! Heh, heh. Oh!") in It's a Very Merry Muppet Christmas Movie in 2002. In 2005, however, Rowlf had a 190-word monologue in the second episode of Statler and Waldorf scene.
Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Carol Demas and Paula Janis, The two hosts of this childrens show with puppets and a Chuckle Patch, and the mischevious pink squirrel puppet named Sherlock, a puppet bird named Flapper, he resembled a duck, but was very happy and playful, who all lived in or around the magic tree, a swing in the tree and the barn. The Chuckle Patch grew beneath the Magic Tree., each leaf on the chuckle patch garden had a joke on them. Songs, games, jokes and stories were a typical daily serving from this program. The costumes came out of the story box and were used to act out the story. "There are No Locks On the Story Box" Growing up was so fun especially when you had shows like these to grow up on.

Bob Keeshen's first five years as a child entertainer was as Clarabelle on the origional Howdy Doody show. Then at the age of 28 with some ideas of his own, jumping networks from NBC to CBS and began the longest running childrens show, Captain Kangaroo. Each morning, the Captain opened the door to his Treasure House and invited kids to share the laughter and fun. His giant pocket jacket was his trade mark, thus his name Kangaroo He had the longest running children’s program in network television history, only being beaten out by public broadcastings Sesame Street
Captain Kangaroo was live for the first five years then going pre recordings, in 1966 went color. Remember the Capt'N reading from his giant storybook, as we watched pictures miraculously appear on his magic drawing board. We made believe with Bunny Rabbit, who always stole carrots from the Capt'n pocket. There was Mr. Moose, who stole every joke with a hundred ping pong balls falling on the Capt'N, and we remember Grandfather Clock with the face in the clock, who was a wise old man with knowledge he shared with the Capt'N and TV audience and last but not least Dancin Bear, who just simply liked to dance...all of the Characters were performed by puppeteer Cosmo Allegretti. I remember this show so well as though time simply stood still, what memories of the Capt'N do you still have... Oh an aside the Capt'n lived just a few doors away from my family home in Babylon, till he moved to upstate NY
MR. ROGERS “You always make each day a special day, by just your being you.”" Its Just Feeling"Happy Tomorrow To You" "Its a beautiful day in the neighborhood." " I like you just the way you are" Hosted by Mr. Fred McFeely Rogers. He opened each show while hanging up his jacket and placing on a zipped sweater, then removing his dress shoes and puttin on his sneakers, remember? We visited Chef Brocket's Bakery, or went to Negri's Fix-it shop, We received the mail by Mr. McFeely 'Speedy Delivery' who may have delivered a film to watch on picture picture. Each day we took a trip to the Neighborhood of Make Believe where we met with King Friday the Thirteenth who ruled the kingdom, and Queen Sara Saturday, other puppets in the kingdom were X the Owl, Henrietta Pussycat and Lady Elaine Fairchild, who ran the Museum-go-Round. And then those gentle talks Mr. Rogers had with his children tv audience that ended with a song. He touched on sensitive subjects like death, anger, growing up, fears and all having a moral....The segment that puts this program into our catagory is the Neighborhood of Make Believe.. Thanks you Mr. Rogers, FOR ALL THE VOICE OVERS.
Captain Kangaroo was live for the first five years then going pre recordings, in 1966 went color. Remember the Capt'N reading from his giant storybook, as we watched pictures miraculously appear on his magic drawing board. We made believe with Bunny Rabbit, who always stole carrots from the Capt'n pocket. There was Mr. Moose, who stole every joke with a hundred ping pong balls falling on the Capt'N, and we remember Grandfather Clock with the face in the clock, who was a wise old man with knowledge he shared with the Capt'N and TV audience and last but not least Dancin Bear, who just simply liked to dance...all of the Characters were performed by puppeteer Cosmo Allegretti. I remember this show so well as though time simply stood still, what memories of the Capt'N do you still have... Oh an aside the Capt'n lived just a few doors away from my family home in Babylon, till he moved to upstate NY

MR. ROGERS “You always make each day a special day, by just your being you.”" Its Just Feeling"Happy Tomorrow To You" "Its a beautiful day in the neighborhood." " I like you just the way you are" Hosted by Mr. Fred McFeely Rogers. He opened each show while hanging up his jacket and placing on a zipped sweater, then removing his dress shoes and puttin on his sneakers, remember? We visited Chef Brocket's Bakery, or went to Negri's Fix-it shop, We received the mail by Mr. McFeely 'Speedy Delivery' who may have delivered a film to watch on picture picture. Each day we took a trip to the Neighborhood of Make Believe where we met with King Friday the Thirteenth who ruled the kingdom, and Queen Sara Saturday, other puppets in the kingdom were X the Owl, Henrietta Pussycat and Lady Elaine Fairchild, who ran the Museum-go-Round. And then those gentle talks Mr. Rogers had with his children tv audience that ended with a song. He touched on sensitive subjects like death, anger, growing up, fears and all having a moral....The segment that puts this program into our catagory is the Neighborhood of Make Believe.. Thanks you Mr. Rogers, FOR ALL THE VOICE OVERS.
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