Monday, October 26, 2009
Hi guys, new to the group here. First let me preface this email by saying I think Jeff Dunham is a fantastic entertainer/ comedian/ ventriloquist. I think he started out as a ventriloquist but now is a comedian using ventriloquism? While its true he has worked hard for decades to achieve this kind of "mega success" and has brought ventriloquism into the mainstream I think there is still room for more! Does ventriloquism stop with Jeff or Terry? What about the other greats that seem to go unmentioned Jay or Ron for example. What about the "undiscovereds" many of which you can see daily on Youtube? Yeah probably more bad Vents on Youtube then good, but Ive seen a few very GOOD ones on Youtube! Some professionals of course and others starting out. Is there room for them at the top? For sure there is. How many singers are there? How many actors is there? Nobody stopped with just one or two! Just to throw this out there, Terry Fator is a better technical ventriloquist then Jeff Dunham! (ssshhh for a second now!)BUT>> Terry only won Americas got Talent because he can sing! Thats what that show is all about! Im afraid to tell you guys if Dunham was an unknown, and was on Americas got talent he would not have made it! He does not sing! Speaking of techincal Venting...Dunham slips quite a bit on the lip control and sometimes flubs his lines or slurs! Ive seen it several times now...not to be too critical of course! I think hes tired or at least he looks it. Im a virtual nobody so why does my opinions matter? They dont! Just my observations. Hands down for a technical ventriloquist I would think Jay Johnson has all of them beat! In the older days we had Edgar Bergen, Paul Winchell ect. each had shows or were on TV. Jeffs accomplishments has truly fueled the flames for ventriloquists all over the world but there is room for more! There are other great ventriloquists out there who should be seen. I guess what Im saying is while Jeff is doing wonders for ventriloquism under a "comedians" title, there are many others under the actual "ventriloquist" title doing their small part! Hard to argue...its impossible to argue with Jeffs success but just pointing out my observations. So come on guys is there room for you at the top or are you just gonna let Jeff and Terry take it all...forever! Reading the posts here on worldvents makes it seem Jeff is a ventriloquist "god"...he most certainly is not mayby rockstar status...God would never use adult material lol...just kidding Jeffs material is great. Glad he finally changed some of it after 20 some years of performing. Of course he had to change his material or at least add material because of his new characters. Like they say though you dont change something unless its broke so why would you change. Until the additions of his new characters Jeffs routines remained the same over all those years. He must have picked up some writers! In my mind Jeff has always been a great ventriloquist! Master at manipulation, character voices and sometimes very good lip control. I think the lip control has gone by the wayside nowdays, but who needs it if your actually just a "comedian" or I mean have great characters! I know some of you will silently agree with me and most may disagree with my observations. Thats fine to each their own. God bless the Vent community and all the greats...and the unknowns! Keep on doing your thing guys and gals! Hope to see you all at the top!
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Puppets To Go
From Barb Phoenix
I had a great day doing vent for children in Bronte for Canada Day. It was a great marketing opportunity as well. I did walkabout with my figure Otto... He was an instant hit with the kids.I had also made sock puppet kits, and called them Puppets To Go... Each kit had a Puppets To Go label and a business card. I put double-sided tape on the eyes, nose and hair. and explained to the parents that they could hot glue the add-ons to make them more permanent.The kids had a blast making them, and then talking to my puppet. I even had an opportunity to teach some rudimentary ventriloquism. Also had free colouring sheets that I had laid out out with crayons so the kids could colour. I hope I get the opportunity to do it again.
Keep those kids smiling and happy Barb N Jay
From Barb Phoenix
I had a great day doing vent for children in Bronte for Canada Day. It was a great marketing opportunity as well. I did walkabout with my figure Otto... He was an instant hit with the kids.I had also made sock puppet kits, and called them Puppets To Go... Each kit had a Puppets To Go label and a business card. I put double-sided tape on the eyes, nose and hair. and explained to the parents that they could hot glue the add-ons to make them more permanent.The kids had a blast making them, and then talking to my puppet. I even had an opportunity to teach some rudimentary ventriloquism. Also had free colouring sheets that I had laid out out with crayons so the kids could colour. I hope I get the opportunity to do it again.
Keep those kids smiling and happy Barb N Jay
At my age just starting out in something I love will not ride me to the top but I do not worry about the top. If I can bring a smile to the face of some seniors or children then I am a success, a smile a day is success all the way. I sing a little, I can tell a joke a little but when I share its not a little. You may not be remembered for world fame but if one person remembers me for the smile I brought to them, then my day is made. Ventriloquism can be a hobby it can be an advocation or it could be a profession at any age is intirely up to you...A SMILE A DAY KEEPS THE MEANIES AWAY.
It is with a heavy heart that I am reporting to you the death of our good friend Mary Fry. She was murdered yesterday in a domestic dispute with her husband Dan Fry. Although events are sketchy at this point I felt it would be good to let you all know what I have heard. Dan has been charged with murder and is in the Delaware County Jail here in Ohio.Mary was a good friend, a supporter of of the museum and the ConVENTion, and a wonderful and loving person. We will miss her greatly. When more details are known about services or arrangements for Mary I will share them with you. Please keep all concerned in your prayers during this most difficult time.Mark Wade-Executive DirectorVent Haven ConVENTion
I have had the pleasure of meeting these two folks at my first VH Con. They seemed like nice folds, never noticing any difficulty in their relationship... We here at Vent Yours wish to send our sympathy to the folks at the VH Museum as well as the folks at the world Vent group and any other group that was familiar with them. Rest well in the Lords arms Mary.
I have had the pleasure of meeting these two folks at my first VH Con. They seemed like nice folds, never noticing any difficulty in their relationship... We here at Vent Yours wish to send our sympathy to the folks at the VH Museum as well as the folks at the world Vent group and any other group that was familiar with them. Rest well in the Lords arms Mary.
Friday, October 23, 2009

This morning as I turned on my tv to watch the news I discovered with a tear in my eye that one of my childhood favorites Soupy Sales has passed away...Soupy there will be plenty of pies to toss around at your new audience. White fang and Black Tooth (hope thats the right way, I always mixed that up) his two hand puppets who Ihaen't seen in a while lost their creator. Each of us should raise a pie in his honor get in the toss position 1...2...3 let it rip, Too many tears in my eyes I think I missed my target... Soupy Sales Born Milton Supman on Jan 8, 1926 in N.C., typically clad in a black sweater and oversized poka-dot bow tie. One afternoon while watching the show I remember he was suspemnded from his show for telling the children to send in all the green pieces of paper in their mothers and fathers pocket with the presidents on them. What can one say that hasn't been said already about this funny man Soupy you will greatly be missed.
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
About Me
Hi my name is Sue Johnson I live in Sahuarita, AZ, which is south of Tucson.I have been in ministry for 18 years working with kids mostly junior kids 7-12.I got involved with puppetry at first when a Missionary home on sabbatical from thePhilippines visited my church. It was from that moment that I knew that God had a greater ministry for me.
It wasn’t until a short time later that a ventriloquist came to my church that I got interested in vent in fact I asked him where I could get some resources and of course he gave me none other than Maher Studios phone number.
After I got the Maher catalogue I saw the course for ventriloquism and I took it and 3 months later I surprised our church congregation during a singsperatin. They loved what I did and have been venting ever since.
Most of what I have done has been mostly in Children’s church and on occasion such venues as assisted living and most recently a daycare center.
A year and a half ago I had a vision for doing a website, but not any website a site that would be more than just about me, but one that would inspire or teach about the things of the Bible using the art of ventriloquism, not only featuring me but my characters as well.
On this site you will see printed material, photos and videos. And if you have anything that you would like to share let us know and we will post it for you.
God BlessSue Johnson
Heart of a Ventriloquist – Interview with Susan Johnson, an Arizona VentriloquistBy Angela ScottSaturday, September 22nd, 2007
Introduced to Susan Johnson only over the telephone, I immediately knew we share a similar love for Ventriloquism. My hope is to introduce you to Susan and her gift she shares with others, the gift of Ventriloquism.
1. What is one thing every Ventriloquist must do?
Every ventriloquist must practice. It is better if you can keep a regular rehearsal schedule. Maybe on one day you work with one character, and the next day a different one. Practice is key to success.
2. What is one thing every Ventriloquist must avoid?
Stealing material.
I recommend developing your own style. It is okay to get ideas from other ventriloquists. Also, use material that is appropriate for you. This depends on the type of venue you are working in, i.e. schools.
3. Is this Ventriloquist stuff something that is here to stay?
Ventriloquism is here to stay. It has been around for thousands of years. It dates back to Biblical times.
4. Can someone work successfully as a Ventriloquist if they are in a crowded niche?
Ventriloquists are so spread out world wide that a ventriloquist can find his or her niche; they just have to go out and get it.
5. What has Ventriloquism done for you?
It has opened up doors for going into churches and I have become more creative and passionate about what I want to do.
6. What trends do you currently see in Ventriloquism?
Since I do most of my work in the church, Ventriloquism is a growing ministry for many because it is different and a great way to share God’s love and His message.
7. When did you first become interested in Ventriloquism?
It was about twelve years ago when missionaries were home on sabbatical from the Philippines and they worked with kids like I do.
Hi my name is Sue Johnson I live in Sahuarita, AZ, which is south of Tucson.I have been in ministry for 18 years working with kids mostly junior kids 7-12.I got involved with puppetry at first when a Missionary home on sabbatical from thePhilippines visited my church. It was from that moment that I knew that God had a greater ministry for me.
It wasn’t until a short time later that a ventriloquist came to my church that I got interested in vent in fact I asked him where I could get some resources and of course he gave me none other than Maher Studios phone number.
After I got the Maher catalogue I saw the course for ventriloquism and I took it and 3 months later I surprised our church congregation during a singsperatin. They loved what I did and have been venting ever since.
Most of what I have done has been mostly in Children’s church and on occasion such venues as assisted living and most recently a daycare center.
A year and a half ago I had a vision for doing a website, but not any website a site that would be more than just about me, but one that would inspire or teach about the things of the Bible using the art of ventriloquism, not only featuring me but my characters as well.
On this site you will see printed material, photos and videos. And if you have anything that you would like to share let us know and we will post it for you.
God BlessSue Johnson
Heart of a Ventriloquist – Interview with Susan Johnson, an Arizona VentriloquistBy Angela ScottSaturday, September 22nd, 2007
Introduced to Susan Johnson only over the telephone, I immediately knew we share a similar love for Ventriloquism. My hope is to introduce you to Susan and her gift she shares with others, the gift of Ventriloquism.
1. What is one thing every Ventriloquist must do?
Every ventriloquist must practice. It is better if you can keep a regular rehearsal schedule. Maybe on one day you work with one character, and the next day a different one. Practice is key to success.
2. What is one thing every Ventriloquist must avoid?
Stealing material.
I recommend developing your own style. It is okay to get ideas from other ventriloquists. Also, use material that is appropriate for you. This depends on the type of venue you are working in, i.e. schools.
3. Is this Ventriloquist stuff something that is here to stay?
Ventriloquism is here to stay. It has been around for thousands of years. It dates back to Biblical times.
4. Can someone work successfully as a Ventriloquist if they are in a crowded niche?
Ventriloquists are so spread out world wide that a ventriloquist can find his or her niche; they just have to go out and get it.
5. What has Ventriloquism done for you?
It has opened up doors for going into churches and I have become more creative and passionate about what I want to do.
6. What trends do you currently see in Ventriloquism?
Since I do most of my work in the church, Ventriloquism is a growing ministry for many because it is different and a great way to share God’s love and His message.
7. When did you first become interested in Ventriloquism?
It was about twelve years ago when missionaries were home on sabbatical from the Philippines and they worked with kids like I do.
Friday, October 16, 2009
ON OCTOBER 10...World Vents have celebrated their 10th anniversary so we here at Ventriloquially Yours want to wish them all, hey that includes me as well, a happy 10th.
SUSPENSE30 October - 8 November 2009SUSPENSE: London Puppetry Festival ‘09 is the first festival of puppetry totake place across London for over 25 years. All the work programmed is for adults. Over 10 days a range of performances, masterclasses and symposia will take place at 7 venues across the capital.
SUSPENSE will explode the myths that currently surround puppetry in that country, proving that puppets aren’t just for kids. It will showcase adverse range of contemporary work from UK and international practitioners, bringing puppetry to new adult audiences. Puppetry is going through a renaissance in the UK with productions such asWar Horse by the National Theatre, Anthony Minghella’s Madam Butterfly forthe ENO, Avenue Q and the RSC’s Venus and Adonis (in association withLittle Angel Theatre) revealing how sophisticated, irrational, grotesque and potent the artform can be. The work programmed for SUSPENSE represents not only the changing landscape of puppetry in the UK but a challenge to the way theatre is made – opening new doors of expressiveness. ..... For our friends across the big pond this is certainly something you won't want to miss.
SUSPENSE will explode the myths that currently surround puppetry in that country, proving that puppets aren’t just for kids. It will showcase adverse range of contemporary work from UK and international practitioners, bringing puppetry to new adult audiences. Puppetry is going through a renaissance in the UK with productions such asWar Horse by the National Theatre, Anthony Minghella’s Madam Butterfly forthe ENO, Avenue Q and the RSC’s Venus and Adonis (in association withLittle Angel Theatre) revealing how sophisticated, irrational, grotesque and potent the artform can be. The work programmed for SUSPENSE represents not only the changing landscape of puppetry in the UK but a challenge to the way theatre is made – opening new doors of expressiveness. ..... For our friends across the big pond this is certainly something you won't want to miss.
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
This has been a sad week for the puppet guild of Florida two of its friends have been remembered Pady Blackwood, had a fatal heart attack last night in Orlando, where he lived. Known to the guild since 1979, this is a great time to keep Pady in your memories, like the times he performed at the Willow Theatre during one of our evenings of puppetry. Pady, you will be missed. Another that is remembered each year at this time is Wayne Hampton one of S Florida;'s own who passed last year. Its good to be a puppeteer
Monday, October 12, 2009
Just a wish for a Happy Columbus Day to all our adventurous entertainers go out and discover new and exciting venues with your own three ships.
An agent sent me down for the job. I was tending bar at the time, something I knew nothing about, but learned as I went along. Can’t stand alcohol . Jack kept me, because the girls liked me and the band liked me and I changed my approach and Jack changed his mind.
I was in and out of there several times, he didn’t like to keep an mc for more than two weeks, this was most places. The last time I was there Jack was fed up with the people he had over the past year and just wanted me and Wally Weston to mc (switch off every two weeks) from then on. It didn’t work out that way.
I was in and out of there several times, he didn’t like to keep an mc for more than two weeks, this was most places. The last time I was there Jack was fed up with the people he had over the past year and just wanted me and Wally Weston to mc (switch off every two weeks) from then on. It didn’t work out that way.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving to our Canadian readers and commenters! I hope your day is filled with good food, happy times, and yes, for the holiday only, I suppose, delicious pieces of pie. (Even though cake is still the superior dessert.) Canadian turkey smothered in Maple leaf syrup
Don't forget our canadian ventriloquists, Neale Bacon, Dan Byran, Mark Cricker, Brad Cummings, Norma McKnight, Damian James Patrick and Matilda Happy Thanksgiving they don't forget their american counterparts.
Thursday, October 8, 2009
Hi all!
Due to large demand, I'll be hosting another All-Day Ventriloquism Clinic in November!
Email me for complete details: pete@petemichaels. com
Pete Michaelswww.petemichaels. com
Note from Me.
I have only heard great things about this clinic if you are in this area in November make sure to spend a day with Pete at his one day clinic I am sure you'll walk away from this day a lot more knowledgeable in the world of ventriloquism.
Due to large demand, I'll be hosting another All-Day Ventriloquism Clinic in November!
Email me for complete details: pete@petemichaels. com
Pete Michaelswww.petemichaels. com
Note from Me.
I have only heard great things about this clinic if you are in this area in November make sure to spend a day with Pete at his one day clinic I am sure you'll walk away from this day a lot more knowledgeable in the world of ventriloquism.
Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Hi N Jay (and the readers of this blog)
I have not been to the blog. But I will check it out. (he has now graced my blog with his presence, thanks for stopping by John), and found a typo in the voting section of this blog his name was entered as Jim Pizzi...sorry Joe... thats not right is it Jack....oooops I mean 'JOHN'....hahaha)
I do not have any plans yet on the VH ConVention. I wish they would hire me so I know I was going,, haha
I just finished headlining a week at the Borgata hotel..went straight to Vegas for a week and 14 shows and ,then went to San Antonio for a Corporate,-- Then Hartford Ct,and just this mourning did a couple of shows for children on the Circle Liner boat in NYC for Sucas. A Jewish Holiday.
Life has been hetic... but I am working on 2 new puppets and looking forward to binging them out to the public..What could they be ??????????????.
If you want to see a very funny man make it a plan to go see John when ever he is in your area, I am sure your gonna love his show. I will try to get some schedule from him as to where and when he will be performing. NJH
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