Hey you guys here's another fine vent in the area of nebraska that should be given a look see, if you haven't seen him before it sure would be to your benefit to do so.
A fine ventriloquist and entertainer who is well respected around the country. he runs a His cast of characters include, Dewey Weston,( the typical bratty type but loveable) Monk Eeeh A singing monkey froim the jungles and then there is Riley the Dog. He adds magic and music to give his show family value.
Vern began his ventriloquism while a cub scout, he also learned his craft from the Maher School of Ventriloquism as a graduate. Vern's former vocations were in broadcasting and education which he combines to bring you an extrodinary show. All his shows educate, inform and entertain. Vern is a member of the North Association of Ventriloquists, the International Ventriloquists Association (IVA) and has conducted workshops at IVA sponsored international ventriloquist conventions. Be sure to look for him when ever you see him listed on a venue.
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